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Tonight's co-hosted INET San Francisco event will begin with a discussion about the revelations from former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, featuring Alex Abdo, a staff attorney with the National Security Project at the American Civil Liberties Union, and Nate Cardozo, a staff attorney with the Electronic Frontier Foundation's digital civil liberties team. I'll moderate a followup discussion with Susan Freiwald, a professor at the University of San Francisco School of Law; Matthew Sundquist, a former Facebook privacy team member and co-founder of graph-creating startup; and Paul Brigner, regional director of the Internet Society's North America Bureau.
Michael Snell, president of the Internet Society's San Francisco Bay Area Chapter, contacted the Obama administration in July to ask if they would be interested in sending a representative to tonight's event to defend the NSA surveillance program, They declined to participate, Documents leaked by Snowden include descriptions of how the NSA has weakened encryption standards, how it has created a "secret backdoor" so phone calls and e-mail message content could be reviewed without a warrant, and how it has worked closely with telecommunication providers such as AT&T uag plasma iphone xs max protective case - ash and Verizon to tap fiber links, In addition, I've recently reported about techniques the U.S, government uses to coerce Internet companies into cooperating with surveillance demands, attempts to obtain master SSL encryption keys, and government requests for confidential user passwords..
Here are the details. CNET HQ (CBS Interactive)235 Second StreetSan Francisco, CA 94105(415) 344-2000Wednesday, October 2, 20136:00pm - 8:30pm(Three blocks from Montgomery Street BART station, eight blocks from Caltrain)Livestream. You're invited to a public event tonight in downtown San Francisco that we're co-hosting with the Internet Society to discuss the National Security Agency's bulk surveillance programs. You're invited to join CNET at our headquarters in downtown San Francisco this evening for a public discussion about the US government's Internet surveillance programs and online privacy.
"Using an alternating current, driven by a transformer, over 200,000 volts was sent across a 300mm gap, giving heat and light similar to that of a lightning bolt," Palmer explained, "The signal was then stepped into a second controlling transformer, allowing us to charge the phone."What happened next was a surprise, the scientist said, "We were amazed to see uag plasma iphone xs max protective case - ash that the Nokia circuitry somehow stabilized the noisy signal, allowing the battery to be charged in only seconds."According to Palmer, this experiment proves that a device can be charged by an airborne current, However, we don't recommend standing out in a lightning storm waving your dead phone around like a lunatic semaphore signaller, In fact, lightning -- proper, atmospheric lightning -- is still far too dangerous and unpredictable for use in experiments, never mind practical applications..
You can check out the experiment in the video below. Nokia Lumia 925, we hereby dub thee "Adam.". (Source: Crave Australia). Scientists at the UK's University of Southampton have harnessed the power of artificial lightning bolts to charge a Nokia Lumia 925. Nokia Lumia 925, we hereby dub thee "Adam."Meet the post-modern Prometheus. It's not a monster made out of cadaver parts that University of Southampton scientists have brought to life with the power of lightning, but a rather smaller target: the Nokia 925 smartphone.
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